StarACT, Our Club’s Magazine
The Mercedes-Benz Club of the ACT promotes our activities and interests to members through the circulation of our magazine STAR ACT. We distribute the magazine every two months to our financial members, our sponsors, to a number of local, interstate and international car clubs and to Mercedes-Benz offices. STAR ACT is a high class 40-page magazine printed in full colour.
Our Editor, Neil Mansini, compiles STAR ACT from material supplied by members, Daimler AG, other Mercedes-Benz Clubs and other appropriate sources. John Simpsons and Lyn Reynolds organise the distribution of our magazine with the help of the Membership Secretary and other members if needed.
Our primary objective with STAR ACT is to inform our members of upcoming events and to communicate news and decisions from the President and the Committee. Of comparable importance, our magazine also provides a medium to allow our members to communicate their tips and experiences for the service, maintenance and repair of their cars.
Our magazine also carries news from Daimler AG, as well as other articles intended to help our members understand, maintain and enjoy their cars. And of course we have photo coverage of events that our members have enjoyed in the previous months.
We Welcome Contributions of Articles and Photographs from all our Members
We welcome contributions at any time, but to be included in the next issue we need to receive them by the third Thursday in the month preceding publication.
You can deliver copy and photographs by email to the editor Neil Mansini at or on disk or by mail to the club address: The Mercedes-Benz Club of the ACT Inc, P.O. Box 1093 WODEN ACT 2606.
We use Microsoft Word to lay out STAR ACT therefore Microsoft compatible formats are needed. If in doubt please contact the editor or send printed copy. Files in pdf format are not welcome because the Editor cannot manipulate them. If you don’t have access to a computer or typewriter, please contact the editor (details on page 4 of STAR ACT). If a file is larger than 1 MB, you should not send it by email or there is a good chance it will never reach the editor.
Mercedes-Benz clubs have a policy of free exchange of material therefore any material appearing in this magazine may be used for non commercial purposes by other clubs.
We can usually make individual photographs that appeared in STAR ACT available to members in electronic format. This will depend on the agreement of the photographer, and such photos are strictly for non commercial uses only. Please contact the editor.
Advertising by Members
STAR ACT contains a section called Starmarket in which members can advertise Mercedes-Benz vehicles and parts For Sale and Wanted. Advertising in Starmarket is free to all members of the Mercedes-Benz Club of the ACT and to members of other Mercedes-Benz clubs around Australia – provided those clubs observe reciprocal arrangements. For non members the cost is $15 per issue payable in advance.
When drafting a for sale advertisement we recommend that you include the following details: Model number e.g. 380SEC, series e.g. W126, year of manufacture, body type, transmission type, trim level, color, registration expiry month, price and your contact details plus any other information describing condition or special features.
In consideration for other members, we ask all advertisers to advise the editor once the items are sold or if you wish to withdraw the advertising.
We will automatically remove all member advertisements after 6 months unless you advise the editor that you want the ad to continue.